Reclaim Your Desire:
a woman's guide to sexual confidence
A Self-Paced Online Course for Women at All Stages of Life
With Best Selling Author Xanet Pailet
Does any of this sound familiar to you?
“I’m not that interested in sex anymore.”
“I feel obligated to have sex even though I don’t really enjoy it.”
“I can’t remember the last time I felt sexy or desirable.”
“I long for the good old days when sex was fun, passionate and spontaneous.”
I hear these complaints from women of all ages.
From newlyweds and new moms, to peri and post menopausal women.
This is the number one issue that women face around our sexuality.
You’re constantly asking yourself, “What is wrong with me?” “Will I ever feel desire again?”
You may even be scared that this might end a long term relationship.
But here’s the truth:
Female desire is multi-faceted and complex, just like you.
As a young girl you were pre-programmed to say “NO” to sex,
which makes it so easy now to put your foot on the brakes.
Discomfort with your changing body.
Not knowing or being able to ask for what you want.
Not knowing or being able to ask for what you want.
While there is no “magic pill” you can take,
there is a powerful way for you to rekindle your desire and get your love life back on track.

Healing starts with ridding yourself of shame and limiting beliefs.
Learn what you truly desire and embracing it fully.
My expectations were to get in a better place mentally with my sexual desire and health. I feel like my expectations were definitely met and then some. I have solidified the belief that it’s ok for me to be the center of attention sometimes and my desires are important and I’m not wrong in the way I feel. I gained a better understanding of why I am the way I am in the bedroom and hope to continue to banish my false beliefs about needing to be something I’m not.
~Dee Dee Munier
It’s not all about sex. After this will you have fabulous sex? Oh yeah, but it’s so much more than that! I would hear people talk about being “embodied” but I never really knew what it meant. It means allowing your body to show up for you. Your body knows what it needs and the further you are from it, the worse you take care of it. Xanet taught me how to be in my body, listen to her, and take care of her.
~Andrea Harris
Embrace all of you and learn how to truly love yourself
Rid yourself of limiting beliefs and shame around your sexuality
Deeply connect with and listen to your body
Learn new tools and skills to ignite your love life
Using Four Core Principles, this program will help you break through blocks that are holding you back from reclaiming your desire and finding the intimacy, connection and passion that you want.
- Presence in mind and body
- Power to address issues around sex and intimacy
- Permission to embrace your desires and ask for what you want
- Pleasure in your body and in your life

Nine Modules of Educational Course Content

Instructional Videos with Practices and Handouts

Monthly Live Zoom Call with Xanet
About Xanet Pailet

Xanet Pailet is a former health care lawyer turned sex and intimacy educator, coach and best selling author of Living an Orgasmic Life.
She works with individuals and couples to empower them around their sexuality and strengthen relationship and intimacy skills.
She is particularly passionate about working with women who are sexually disconnected. She helps them reclaim their pleasure and transform their relationships and their lives.
Xanet is a certified Somatica® Sex and Intimacy Coach, a Somatic Experiencing Trauma Practitioner, a certified Sexological Body Worker with the Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Sexuality and a certified Holistic Pelvic Care Practitioner.
She serves on the faculty of the Institute for Ecstatic Living, 1440 Multiversity and the Somatica Institute.
program modules:
module 1
You are not broken:
It is completely normal for your sexual desire to ebb and flow and even disappear, especially if you are in a long term relationship. In this module we will examine the reasons why women lose their desire for sex and how hormones play a role in your sexual desire. Since this is a trauma informed program, you will also learn some basic trauma concepts and ways to find support and resources.
module 2
Understanding Your Sexual Blueprint:
Your adult relationship with swx is absolutely impacted by the messages you received as a young girl/teenager and your early sexual experiences. By understanding your unique sexual blueprint, you will then be able to identify limiting beliefs, remove blocks and reshape your relationship with sex and intimacy.
module 3
Banishing Your Shame:
Shame is the nastiest five letter word in the universe and shows up in all aspects of our life. But it does not have to control your actions or continue to have power over your sex life. In this module you will learn some very simple but powerful techniques that will help you banish your shame.
module 4
The Emotions of Desire:
As a woman, you need to feel connected with your emotions in order to experience desire. If you are walking around feeling numb, angry, or resentful, you will also feel sexually shut down. In this module you will learn some tools to process negative emotions in your body and learn how to connect with the emotions that will ignite your desire.
module 5
Anxious, Avoidant, or Secure:
Your attachment style has a direct impact on your relationship with intimacy. Understanding your attachment style, as well as a partner’s, will help you navigate conflicts in intimate relationships and sow the seeds for rekindling desire.
module 6
Loving Yourself and Your Body, Warts and All:
Loving and accepting your-ever changing body is central to reigniting your desire. You need to feel and believe that you are desirable and sexy. In this module, you will meet your new best friend and challenge the negative social conditioning you’re received about your body.
module 7
Awakening Your Senses:
Body awareness and awakening your body is the key to re-connecting with your desire, since arousal starts inside. This concept is central to reigniting your sex life and most women live in their heads and not in their bodies. In this module you will learn a series of gentle but powerful practices to help you awaken your body, connect with all five of your senses, and bring more sensuality into your life.
module 8
Connect with Your Root:
Your pelvic bowl (Root) is the center of your power and creativity but most women are disconnected from their Root. In this module you gently start to come into communication with your root power through body awareness and a meditation that will transform your relationship with your sexual epicenter. You will be amazed at what your Root has to say about helping you reconnect with your desire!
module 9
Your Erotic Nature:
Desire flows from eroticism, at least as much as it might flow from love. In this module you will learn about your erotic nature through exploring your fantasies, desires and the emotions that you want out of sex. Understanding your erotic nature, and then incorporating that into your lovemaking, will completely transform your sex life.
The question you might be asking yourself right now is how much is this going to cost?
The better question to ask yourself is can you afford not to do this?
How much is it worth to you to rid yourself of your baggage around sex and intimacy, and have the intimate, passionate relationships that you want?
It’s true. Personal development work takes a level of commitment; your time and your money.
But guess what?
The Reclaim Your Desire Online Course follows the same basic program structure that I use with my private clients who pay between $3,600 and $7,500 for my individual coaching program.
The information, skills and tools that I share with you are the exact same ones that I use with my private clients. This online course is not only more cost effective but it is one of the most powerful methods to change beliefs and behaviors.
This program plus the additional bonuses is worth over $4,300!
And because I want as many of you as possible to have access to this transformational program, I am also offering a payment plan.
I’m so sure that this program will change your sex life that I’m giving you a 14 day 100% guarantee or I will gladly return your investment.
registration & payment plans
Nine Modules of Educational Course Content
Instructional Videos with Practices and Handouts
Monthly Live Zoom Calls with Xanet
Discount for Payment in Full
Nine Modules of Educational Course Content
Instructional Videos with Practices and Handouts
Monthly Live Zoom Calls with Xanet
Affordable Monthly Payment Plan
Go ahead and give yourself this gift.
I promise you will not regret it!
Need More Convincing?
If you can answer “Yes” to any of these questions, I encourage you to watch this free masterclass and then make your decision.
- Are you feeling disconnected from your body or your sexuality?
- Are you frustrated with your lack of desire?
- Are you ready to make a change in your relationship with your body and/or a partner?
- Is this important enough for you to allocate sufficient time and resources to participate fully in the program?