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reCLAIM Your Desire and Reignite Your Love Life

10 Month Program Begins March 1, 2024!

A VIP Program

With Xanet Pailet and Rachel Grant


Does any of this sound familiar to you?

“I’m not that interested in sex”

“I can’t remember the last time I felt sexy or desirable”

“I long for sex to be fun, passionate and spontaneous”


Connecting with your body and sexuality after experiencing sexual trauma can sometimes feel scary and overwhelming.

You might be asking yourself if you’ll ever feel desire to have sex again.

These are normal feelings.


You took some major steps in Beyond Surviving with Rachel or private coaching with Xanet towards shifting some major limiting beliefs about sex as well as learned some powerful tools for reclaiming your sexuality. Now it’s time to take the next step towards establishing a healthy relationship with your sexuality.

We want you to fully embrace your body, your sexuality and your pleasure whether you are single, dating or in partnership–and that’s exactly why we are teaming up.




Embrace all of you and learn how to truly love yourself

Rid yourself of limiting beliefs and shame

Deeply connect with and listen to your body

Learn new tools and skills to ignite your love life


 Program Dates March 1, 2024 – January 8, 2025

We will walk you through the following 

with care, community and safety


Foundations: Somatic Experiencing 101

In this module we introduce you to the key concepts of Somatic Experiencing, a trauma modality developed by Peter Levine and widely used for trauma resolution and to treat PTSD.  You will learn some basic somatic skills and techniques to help you regulate your own nervous system and   track and resolve your body’s reactions to stress and trauma triggers.  These exercises and skills form the foundation for the somatic work we will be doing throughout the rest of the course. 


Module 1

You Are Not Broken:

It is completely normal for your sexual desire to ebb and flow and even disappear, especially if you are in a long term relationship. In this module we will examine the reasons why women lose their desire for sex and how hormones play a role in your sexual desire. Since this is a trauma informed program, you will also be supported in understanding how trauma specifically has impacted your desire for sex.


Module 2

Understanding Your Sexual Blueprint:

Your adult relationship to sex is absolutely impacted by the messages you received as a young girl/teenager, the trauma and your early sexual experiences. By understanding your unique sexual blueprint, you will then be able to identify limiting beliefs, remove blocks and reshape your relationship with sex and intimacy.


Module 3

Banishing Your Sexual Shame:

Shame is the nastiest five letter word in the universe and shows up in all aspects of our life. But it does not have to control your actions or continue to have power over your sex life. In this module you will learn some very simple but powerful techniques that will help you banish your sexual shame.


Module 4

The Emotions of Desire:

As a woman, you need to feel connected with your emotions in order to experience desire. If you are walking around feeling numb, angry, or resentful, you will also feel sexually shut down. In this module you will learn some tools to process negative emotions in your body and learn how to connect with the emotions that will ignite your desire.


Module 5

Anxious, Avoidant or Secure?

Your attachment style has a direct impact on your relationship with intimacy. Understanding your attachment style, as well as a partner’s, will help you navigate conflicts in intimate relationships, sow the seeds for rekindling desire.


Module 6

Loving Yourself and Your Body, Warts and All:

Loving and accepting your-ever changing body is central to reigniting your desire. You need to feel and believe that you are desirable and sexy. In this module, you will meet your new best friend and challenge the negative social conditioning you’ve received about your body.


Module 7

Awakening Your Senses:

Body awareness and awakening your body is the key to re-connecting with your desire, since arousal starts inside. This concept is central to reigniting your sex life and most women live in their heads and not in their bodies. In this module you will learn a series of gentle but powerful practices to help you awaken your body, connect with all five of your senses, and bring more sensuality into your life.


Module 8

Connect with Your Root:

Your pelvic bowl (the Root) is the center of your power and creativity but most women are disconnected from it. In this module, you gently start to come into communication with your root power through body awareness and a meditation that will transform your relationship with your sexual epicenter. You will be amazed at what your body has to say about helping you reconnect with your desire!


Module 9

Your Erotic Nature:

Desire flows from eroticism, at least as much as it might flow from love. In this module you will learn about your erotic nature through exploring your fantasies, desires and the emotions that you want out of sex. Understanding your erotic nature, and then incorporating that into your lovemaking, will completely transform your sex life.



My expectations were to get in a better place mentally with my sexual desire and health. I feel like my expectations were definitely met and then some. I have solidified the belief that it’s ok for me to be the center of attention sometimes and my desires are important and I’m not wrong in the way I feel. I gained a better understanding of why I am the way I am in the bedroom and hope to continue to banish my false beliefs about needing to be something I’m not.

(***Dee Dee Munier***)


I have awakened my desire for real!  I am excited about my sexuality and to keep learning from my body and my sensual and sexual mind. It was wonderful to connect with the others in the group and so powerful to have so much in common and also have a variety of experiences.  

  (***Brook Celeste ***)


This program has made me understand my feelings about sex and made me curious to explore my core desires.  (***Shauna***)


10 reCLAIM Your Desire Training Videos

Videos will be made available through our reCLAIM Your Desire teaching portal, which you will receive exclusive lifetime membership to.

Xanet and Rachel draw upon their combined years of experience to expertly guide you to new insight while offering down-to-earth, doable, trauma informed practices that will help you shed all that is holding you back from having the sex life you want.

20 Live Training/Q&A Calls with Rachel & Xanet

2nd & 4th Wednesdays starting March 13, 2024
3:30p-5:00p PT / 6:30p-8:00p ET
NOTE: Will meet 11/13 & 11/21 and 12/11 & 12/19

During these interaction and training sessions, Xanet and Rachel will take you through guided exercises to build upon and deepen the work you accomplished in the video training. Rachel and Xanet will also dive deep into answering your most pressing questions.

A Private Slack Channel Just for You!

Here you can connect with Rachel and Xanet privately as well as share your experiences and get support and encouragement in the community. We heal faster in community!

Unlimited Email Support

Receive encouragement, get your questions answered, just check in and feel seen and heard.


10 Payments of $325

Please note due to the nature of this course, refunds are not available.


White Pillar Tilt Prof Final

Xanet Pailet is a former health care lawyer turned sex and intimacy educator, coach and best selling author of Living an Orgasmic Life. 

She works with individuals and couples to empower them around their sexuality and strengthen relationship and intimacy skills. 

She is particularly passionate about working with women who are sexually disconnected. She helps them reclaim their pleasure and transform their relationships and their lives.

Xanet is a certified Somatica® Sex and Intimacy Coach, a certified SE trauma practitioner, a certified Sexological Body Worker  and a certified Holistic Pelvic Care Practitioner. 

She has served on the faculty of the Institute for Ecstatic Living, 1440 Multiversity and the Somatica Institute.




Rachel Grant is the owner and founder of Rachel Grant Coaching and is a Sexual Abuse Recovery Coach and M.A. in Counseling Psychology. She is a national speaker, podcast host, and author of Beyond Surviving: The Final Stage in Recovery from Sexual Abuse.

Based on her educational training, study of neuroscience, and lessons learned from her own journey, she has successfully used the Beyond Surviving Program since 2007 to help survivors of childhood sexual abuse who are beyond sick and tired of feeling broken and unfixable break free from the pain of abuse, move on with their lives, and reclaim their sexuality & desire.


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